You ruined Jamboree, You Ruined Football

On October 6, 2018, when Typhoon Kong-rey passed through Korea, there was a K-League schedule where Daegu FC and Incheon United FC met, so Incheon United FC fans put on the away bus in raincoats from early morning. 스포츠토토핫 People around me were also very worried about the typhoon at the time and asked if we could really leave, but we firmly fastened our seat belts in trust of myself and the diligent and kind bus driver.

When I arrived in Daegu to avoid the rain and wind well, I could enjoy soccer without any problems like lying. The sky seemed to have helped. What was even more surprising and grateful was the first greeting of the snack bar man at Daegu Stadium. Did you really come from Incheon to Daegu by bus? After breaking through this typhoon? I can still see the expression of smiling broadly, surprised at us. I said, You must have been lucky. The weather is nice. Thank you for your concern, he said, returning to the stands with a bunch of drinks and snacks.

About five years later, the number of away fans in the K League has increased tremendously. If I don’t buy tickets for the stands in advance, I can’t even sit in the seat I want. It has become common for family fans to wear their team uniforms and take them with them, even children as young as three or four years old. Now professional football, the K-League, has become a culture that goes beyond simple entertainment among family, friends, and coworkers. It is no exaggeration to say that no one is asking, “You only go that far for a two-hour game?

This time again, I left home early Sunday morning on the 6th with my wife, toured Daedunsan Mountain, which is magnificent, and arrived at Jeonju Castle (Jeonju World Cup Stadium) around 6 p.m. Even before referee Chae Sang-hyeop’s kick-off whistle, the heavy rain soaked not only the players but also the audience below the stands, but the 13,327 soccer fans were not shaken much.

However, supporters of the home team Jeonbuk Hyundai put up a large handwritten curtain containing anger, such as, “Messing Jamboree and ruining Jeonbuk!” Both the FA Cup semi-final home game scheduled for the 9th and the K League 1 home game against the Suwon Bluewings on the 12th were signs of protest against the eviction of their front yard Jeonju. Considering that there were some participants in the World Scout Jamboree in the stands on this day, I had no choice but to leave soccer fans and look hot as a Korean.

It was due to unilateral notification for preparation and post-processing of the 2023 Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree K-pop performance, closing ceremony August 11. Although a request for cooperation is said to have been made, it is obvious that it is not a cooperation from the perspective of children’s soccer fans. However, more serious work is being done one after another, including the Korea Football Association. The so-called sparks splashed here and there, and it reached the point where it could not be extinguished by water.

Concerned about the typhoon’s expected course and moving northward, the decision was made to suddenly change the two events planned at Jeonju World Cup Stadium to Seoul, and all Jamboree participants were withdrawn from the Saemangeum venue and moved to temporary accommodations in Seoul and other metropolitan areas. Did we really not consider natural phenomena such as heat waves, torrential rains, and typhoons in August in Korea? Words are putting modifiers such as according to the north of the typhoon,” but it is only irresponsible avoidance by the World Scout Jamboree Organizing Committee, Jeollabuk-do, and government officials.

Here, the Korea Football Association hurriedly sent an official letter to two clubs, Jeonbuk Hyundai and Incheon United FC, on Monday afternoon, saying it would postpone the FA Cup semi-final game at 7 p.m. on August 9 Wednesday. The disruption in the condition of the two professional soccer teams, the payment of a considerable penalty, and the vacation schedule of numerous soccer fans were all disrupted.

Due to the global event that promotes Korea, one or two soccer games can be conceded. However, it is clearly wrong if the process of preparing and promoting it was a one-way notification in a top-down manner. From the beginning, we should reveal the fault of trying to hold the competition in reclaimed land with serious environmental problems, and quite a few officials and politicians who still tried to use it and boast about it will have to take responsibility accordingly.

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