Cho Kyu-sung 25, FC Meat Whelan captivated Danish fans. This is because he is taking the lead in rebounding his team’s ranking by scoring goals in two consecutive league games. Home fans of Mitwilan are already showing their affection with slogans supporting Cho Kyu-sung. 토토 This is the first step on the smooth European stage.
Cho Kyu-sung started the 2023-24 Danish Superliga second round home game against Silkebor at MCH Arena in Henning, Denmark, on the 30th of last month and scored an additional goal that led to his team’s 2-0 victory. After digging into the backspace of the defense during the counterattack in the extra time of the first half, he shook the net by connecting Christopher Olsson’s penetration pass from the front of the arc with a right-footed non-stop shot.
It is the second consecutive league goal following the debut goal in the debut match. Cho Kyu-sung also scored a strong header winning goal in the league’s opening match against Hvidoure on the 22nd, leading his team to a 1-0 victory. Cho Kyu-sung, who finished the proper transfer declaration ceremony in front of home fans at the time, also gave valuable gifts to home fans.
Immediately after scoring a goal, Cho Kyu-sung loosened his hair tie to express his joy, and then made eye contact with fans one by one and performed a unique finger ceremony. He also showed his affection for the team by lifting the Meatwillan emblem engraved on his left chest.
As soon as he transferred, he was assigned No. 10, which symbolizes the ace, and showed his performance like a back number, so Cho Kyu-sung is also a blessing for Mitwillan fans. There has already been a group slogan supporting Cho Kyu-sung. Immediately after scoring an additional goal against Silkeborg, the in-house announcer said Kyusung and fans who filled the stadium answered Joe. The voices of enthusiastic fans filled the stadium. It was the first time in two games since the opening of the league.
Meatwillan fell to seventh place in the league last season. It was a painful fall for the team, which had been ranked first and second for the previous five seasons. Cho Kyu-sung has emerged as a new troubleshooter this season, which is in desperate need of a rebound. Cho Kyu-sung was responsible for two out of three goals while winning two consecutive games in the opening.
In the match against Silkebor, Cho Kyu-sung connected all three shots with effective shots, and both aerial and ground ball competitions recorded a winning rate of more than 50%. He is not staying in the front line, but is also contributing to linked play by moving widely, including the second line and the side. The fact that he received the highest rating in two consecutive games on soccer statistics sites such as Potmob and Sofa Score means that not only goals but also other indicators were impressive.
It is significant that he showed competitiveness right away on the new stage. If he moves to another league, he needs some adaptation, but Cho Kyu-sung immediately answered with two consecutive goals in the opening game. Cho Kyu-sung will be able to continue his challenge with full confidence from the beginning of his entry into Europe. Of course, the idea of heading to a bigger stage using the Danish league as a stepping stone could also accelerate.