Gangwon 2021 average bet above foreign casinos 61pct

The average betting price per person at Kangwon Land (pictured), the country’s only domestic-only casino, was 61.1 percent higher than the average betting price per person at 16 foreign-only casinos in 2021.

In Kangwon Land, that equates to US$91.80. For the entire foreigner-only venue, it was US$57.00. The information was given in a data update by the National Gambling Control Board of Korea.

During that year, inbound tourism to South Korea was largely halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kangwon Land had a relatively easier trading environment, fueled by local demand, despite the disruption period and reduced user capacity.

Kangwon Land, which is controlled by Kangwon Land, generated 352.3% more taxes in 2021 than the entire foreign-only sector, according to an update from the commission.

Calculated in cash, the actual tax was 106.3 billion won ($81.9 million) at Kangwon Land and 23.5 billion won at foreigner-only casinos.

Kangwon Land’s tax contribution rate was 13.7 percent based on total gambling return (GGY). According to data released by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in May, the complex generated W775 billion in gambling revenue in 2021.

The combined tax contribution rate of the foreign-only sector based on the GGY was 5.8 percent in 2021. The foreign-only casino operator generated 405 billion won in gambling revenue last year.

The total gambling return is usually calculated by adding the equity money paid by the player for a certain period of time along with other money other than the sales tax incurred by the game license owner in connection with the permit, and then deducting the total amount paid by the game license owner as a prize or other jackpot.

BY: 슬롯사이트 추천

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